Captiva… Pre-Hurricane

by | May 3, 2021 | Hikes, North America, Recent Treks

From Red Fish to Turner Beach: Where Shells, Seagulls, and Selfies Collide

Setting out from Red Fish Pass on Captiva Island, I felt a sense of anticipation. The horizon stretched out, punctuated only by the shimmer of the waves and the distant allure of Turner Beach. It wasn’t just about the hike; it was about the experience. There was talk of pristine shells to be discovered, the kind you’d proudly showcase on your mantle or maybe just casually leave out for guests to admire. Determined, I treaded along, eyes peeled to the sand, hoping to unearth one of those elusive treasures.

The beach, while serene, had its share of characters. Seagulls cruised overhead, casting calculating glances my way, especially when my snack made its appearance. If you ever want to feel popular, just open a bag of chips on a beach. Those winged rascals zero in faster than friends when you announce a weekend barbecue.

As I meandered along, the vibrant tapestry of tourists unfolded. Here, a family setting up for a day-long beach fest; there, a lone individual, perhaps a remote worker, struggling with WiFi, reminding me of the world beyond this sandy haven. Their laughter, chatter, and occasional shouts added layers to the ambient soundscape of waves and rustling palms.

Now, amid all this, there was a whisper about a sunset phenomenon: the green flash. As the sun dips beneath the horizon, if you’re lucky and patient, you might witness this brief, magical spectacle. An addition to the day’s quest, alongside the shells.

Remembering the terrain, the pre-hurricane charm of the place was evident. The untouched vibes, the raw beauty. There might be a difference now, a shift brought about by nature’s whims. It makes you appreciate the constancy of change, how every visit could offer a fresh perspective.

Having covered a solid 5 miles, Turner Beach beckoned with a sense of accomplishment. But a glance back reminded me of the return journey. It’s then that planning pays off—a friend with a car or perhaps the resolve to hike back, counting the steps, the shells, and the stories.

In the end, the journey from Red Fish Pass to Turner Beach was more than just a hike. It was a collage of moments—seagulls and sunsets, shells and stories, all coming together against the backdrop of Captiva’s timeless beauty.